The Gore Highway, a critical transportation route between Pittsworth and Millmerran in Queensland, is nearing the final stage of its extensive rehabilitation project. This upcoming phase will focus on a 1.55 kilometre section of the highway, stretching from Pump Road to Millmerran Leyburn Road, located approximately 12 kilometres north of Millmerran.
Over the past two years, the rehabilitation project has employed cutting-edge foamed bitumen technology to enhance the strength of the granular materials while retaining a flexible pavement. This innovative process involves injecting small amounts of water and air into standard road-grade bitumen at high pressure, resulting in a significant expansion of up to 20 times its original volume.
The primary goal of this final stage of rehabilitation is to improve the safety, integrity, and longevity of the Gore Highway, which faces unique challenges due to its location in the Condamine floodplain. The fluctuating weather conditions, particularly floods, have caused the soil to contract and expand, necessitating a robust solution. However, officials remain optimistic that the foamed bitumen treatment will significantly prolong the road's lifespan, leading to enhanced safety and efficiency for motorists, as well as increased network capacity.
The Assistant Minister for Regional Roads, Mr. Bruce Saunders, emphasized the significance of this trial in determining effective road repair and safety measures for the future. "The Gore Highway runs through the Condamine floodplain which makes it difficult to build on," said Mr. Saunders. "We are optimistic this treatment method will prolong and extend the life of the road, making it safer and more efficient for motorists and increasing network capacity."
This ambitious project is being executed under the prestigious National Land Transport Network Upgrades, Roads of Strategic Importance initiative, with joint funding from the Federal and State governments, reflecting the critical importance of the Gore Highway as a vital transportation artery.
Weather permitting, the rehabilitation works are scheduled to commence in April, with an expected completion date in 2023. This final stage of the Gore Highway rehabilitation is eagerly anticipated by the local community and stakeholders alike, as it signifies a significant milestone in improving this crucial transportation route.