Jobs in the mining sector are always in high demand due to the attractive salary packages and the wide range of roles available, from welders, boilermakers and safety advisors to traffic controllers and sales specialists.
Many of these positions require specific qualifications or certificates, but there are plenty of entry-level jobs and traineeships on offer if you know where to look. A job in the mines can be a gateway to further professional development and a rock-solid career within an industry that shows no signs of slowing down.
While there are plenty of jobs available at mine sites across Western Australia and throughout the country, finding the right position can be difficult. To help make the process easier, we’ve put together a few tips for finding your ideal job in the mines.
Before you start applying, take a minute to make sure your CV is current and reflects your strengths, capabilities and goals appropriately, as this will help to give the recruiter a sense of who you are and where you’re headed. You should also check that all relevant licenses and certifications are up to date – this includes your driver’s license, as well as any tickets, safety certificates or qualifications that you might have.
Start checking the web first. Take a look at the different mining companies operating in your areas of interest. What information do they have on their websites and social networks? What sorts of people are working with them? Are there any particular programs or initiatives that might apply to you (e.g. women in STEM or Indigenous engagement policies)?
You could also check in on people you know who work in the mining industry. What areas do they specialise in? How did they get started on their journey? An introduction or recommendation from an existing employee can often be the best way to get a foot in the door.
Most mining industry positions list physical fitness for the role as a requirement – you’ll often have to pass a medical – so it’s a good idea to make sure that you’re in good general shape. The FIFO lifestyle can also require some adjustment in sleep schedules and other habits, so try to get into some good routines. Lastly, it’s common for employers to administer drug and alcohol tests, so be prepared.
To ensure the quality of applicants and streamline the recruitment process, many mining operators do not advertise open positions on the usual job-seeking websites. Instead, they partner with trusted labour-hire and workforce solutions like Unite Resourcing. Sending your CV to us or speaking to one of our team members is the best way to on your way to a rewarding job in the mines.